Distance Therapy


How does it work? Distance therapy can take a number of forms - over phone, by video chat, by weekly emails, and even by simultaneous text messaging. I offer all of these modalities to my clients along with the ability to change the format of our sessions as time goes on. Prefer to see me in person but want to try a video session one week instead? We can do that.

Do I need to install a program or have a certain app? No, the I use a secure web-based tele-mental health program where you can log in and connect with me directly through any device with internet access.

Worried it won't feel like a real connection? I am professionally trained and skilled in a number of presence techniques that will help you feel connected in our distance session, it won't feel exactly the same as an in-person session but you will get a similar warm, thoughtful and supportive presence from me.

Are there certain office hours you have put aside for Distance Therapy sessions? Currently my office hours are available for both in office and online hours, so if you want to access therapy via distance methods you have the same opportunities to connect with me as my in office clients do. Please see my office hours for more information.